Sunday, November 5, 2017

Levy Falkowitz - Lumir Machin Kiddush | לאמיר מאכן קידוש

ילד הפלא, נתנאל מנת - קול ברמה | Netanel Manet - Kol Berama

Avraham Fried singing "Shehechiyanu" and "Ahallelo" at a Wedding with Zimra Choir - Zemer Orchestra

Michoel schnitzler singing at a bar mitzvah in Boro park. With the shira choir and moshe glick

Lipa shcmeltzer a freilach band rocking a wedding

In Memory of Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)

Motti Steinmetz sings 'Hatikva'

Levi Y Lesin Production Live Performance With Menachem Moskowitz Ft. The Shira Choir

Simcha Leiner | Mimkomcha Live in Odessa | ממקומך | שמחה ליינר